2020 Taranaki Championship results

A smaller group of shooters this year at the Taranaki Champs held at Otorohanga on 15/16 February 2020.

Pictured are most of the prize-winners, except Paul Tidswell who took the photo, and discovered he couldn’t be in two places at once.

Johan Du Toit had a very good weekend, taking out all but two of the ranges, and collecting cups for longs & shorts aggregates, the Peter Williamson  handicap, the mid-field aggregate, and the two-year aggregate. Dave Woods was runner-up.

In the B Grade, fortunes were shared over the individual ranges, with Lee Houghton winning the two-day aggregate, one point ahead of John Ball.

Alan Drake had a great day at the office for a change, winning 4 of his 6 ranges, and taking out the aggregates. Bennie Durand gave him a hurry-up to be runner-up.

In the FTR competition, Graham Piper had a classy long range aggregate to edge out Steve Moffatt.

Paul Neal won the aggregates in  F Open with his typically consistent shooting, with Dyl Eyeington runner-up.

Many thanks to the Otorohanga Club for hosting our Championships again.

 Unfortunately, there is no prospect of a range locally that would have the capacity to host a championship match. We are always hopeful, though. And we may be in a position to at least have somewhere to go in the near future to practice, but time will tell.

2020 02 18 Taranaki Champs

  300 500 600 600 DAY 1 AGG 1000 1000 DAY 2 2 DAY 
PAUL TIDSWELL 48.06 49.06 48.04 48.06 193.22 69.03 73.04 142.07 335.29
JOHAN DE TOIT 50.08 50.05 48.06 48.03 196.22 74.03 75.04 149.07 345.29
RICK RUITERMAN 42.02 50.05 48.01 47.04 187.12 70.05 70.02 140.07 327.19
BRUCE MILLARD 46.02 49.04 46.01 48.05 189.12 70.01 63.04 133.05 322.17
DAVE WOODS 47.04 49.07 50.02 48.05 194.18 72.04 71.07 143.11 337.29
B GRADE                  
MICK BUCKLEY 46.03 49.01 47.03 47.03 189.10 55.02 59.01 114.03 303.13
MARK LANE 47.04 49.04 46.03 46.01 188.12 73.05 65.02 138.07 326.19
JAMES CHEESEMAN 48.03 48.02 49.05 50.06 195.16 68.03 59.00 127.03 322.19
REECE LEITE 44.00 22.01 45.00 45.00 156.01 67.06 70.05 137.11 293.12
JOHN BALL 48.02 49.03 50.03 48.01 195.09 69.04 65.03 134.07 329.16
DAVE MILLER 44.06 48.04 46.01 48.06 186.17 73.05 66.02 139.07 325.24
LEE HOUGHTON 49.06 49.04 47.04 50.05 195.19 70.04 65.01 135.05 330.24
C GRADE                  
ALAN DRAKE 45.02 48.05 48.03 50.06 191.16 62.02 70.05 132.07 323.23
RAY SALTER 37.00 46.02 44.00 46.02 173.04 56.02 61.04 117.06 290.10
BENNIE DURAND 46.03 46.05 47.03 49.05 188.16 63.04 68.01 131.05 319.21
IAN STIRLING 47.04 44.01 34.01 37.02 162.08 64.02 37.00 101.02 263.10
GRAHAM PIPER 56.01 58.04 57.02 52.00 223.07 88.05 84.02 172.07 395.14
STEVE MOFFATT 59.05 58.00 55.02 52.02 224.09 83.03 77.02 160.05 384.14
F OPEN                  
PAUL NEAL 56.05 59.05 56.04 54.01 225.15 86.06 85.01 171.07 396.22
DYL EYEINGTON 54.01 58.04 52.01 54.03 218.09 87.07 83.04 170.11 388.20

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