Call for nominations for 2024 Veterans teams to Australia

Call for nominations for 2024 Veterans teams to Australia

Match conditions:

All competitions will be conducted under the NRAA Standard Shooting Rules current at the time of the competition.
Subject to availability of a venue, the NRAA Board will preside over the National Veteran Teams Championships no
more than once per calendar year.
Each NRAA Member Rifle Association fielding a minimum of two teams, one of which must be Target Rifle, on two
consecutive occasions will be eligible to host the National Veteran Teams Championships by rotation, noting that
matches held in conjunction with the National Championships are also included in the rotation
When and where possible, the National Veteran Teams Championships will be held immediately prior to or immediately
following a National or State/Territory Annual Open Championship.
All competitors taking part in events promoted by the NRAA must be financial members of the NRAA. The NRAA shall
be entitled to recover the cost of such participation at the discretion of the Executive, including on-going administrative
costs, range costs and the cost of trophies. Generally, a minimum of three States/Territories must enter a team in a
discipline for a match to be valid and trophies and medals to be awarded.
A competitor must be 60yrs of age on or before the first day of competition as per ICFRA rules.
A State or Territory Association can field teams in the following disciplines:
• Target Rifle – Up to two teams
• F-Standard – One team
• F-Open – One Team
• FTR – One Team
For administrative purposes, each State and Territory shall nominate one Squad Captain to coordinate between their
own teams. The Squad Captain is the primary point of contact from each State/Territory and shall attend the formal
meeting with the NRAA Match Director and Range Officer. Individual Team Captains may attend to observe.
TR Teams
A TR team representing a State or Territory Association at the National Veteran Teams Championships will consist of:
• A Wind Judge/Coach and five shooters, and may include a reserve, but in the event of a shortfall in numbers
the Wind Judge/Coach may be appointed from the 5 team members.
• A Team Captain shall be appointed from within the team members to control the match activities on the
mound, and may also shoot, coach or be a reserve.
• The total score obtained by all five shooters will be the TR team score for the match.
• Each State or Territory Association may enter one or two TR Teams whose personnel must be declared prior
to the commencement of all competitions.
F Class Teams
One F-Class team from each of F Standard, F Open and FTR disciplines are also able to be entered representing a
State or Territory Association at the National Veteran Teams Championships and will
consist of:
• A Wind Judge/Coach and five shooters, a Captain and may include a reserve, but in the event of a shortfall
in numbers the Wind Judge/Coach may be appointed from the 5 team members.
• A Team Captain shall be appointed from within the team members to control the match activities on the
mound, and may also shoot, coach or be a reserve. The total score obtained by all five shooters will be the F
-Class discipline team score for the match.
• Each State or Territory Association may therefore enter up to two TR teams and three F-Class teams (three
separate disciplines) whose personnel must be declared prior to the commencement of all competitions.
Reserve Shooters
• Each State or Territory may have up to one (1) reserve shooter.
• Reserves for State or Territory Veteran Teams may shoot immediately after his/her team have completed
shooting at each range and under the same coach, time permitting.
• All nominated Teams will be in direct competition with each other.
• If after the commencement of a match a shooter is forced to retire due to unforeseen circumstances (other
than gear malfunction) or illness the NRAA will convene a meeting with all Squad Captains who, exercising
all due diligence MAY permit a replacement. The team emergency may continue in his/her place commencing
with the next shot.
• In the event of unforeseen circumstances or where states would have a problem in selecting sufficient team
members to compete, the NRAA, on request, shall convene a meeting of all Squad Captains before the start
of the competition who, exercising all due diligence, and satisfied that Rule 2 of the Competition Rules is
complied with, MAY permit a member from another State/Territory to be included in order that, that team can
participate in the competitions. Only ONE additional person can be used per team.
THE MASTERS MATCH: 2 convertible sighters,15 shots to count at 900yds or 800m. TR Team possible score 375.
Time Limit = 105 minutes.
THE ERNIE MACE MATCH: For F Standard Teams Match, 15 shots at 900yds or 800m.
THE DON COOK TROPHY MATCH: 2 convertible sighters, 10 shots to count at each of the following.
TR Team possible score 1000.
i) 300yds ( 300 m ) - Time Limit 75 minutes
ii) 600yds ( 600 m ) - Time Limit 80 minutes
iii) 900yds ( 800 m ) or 700yds ( 700 m ) - Time Limit 80 minutes
iv) 1000yds ( 900 m ) or 900yds ( 800 m ) - Time Limit 90 minutes.
For F Standard Teams, ranges will be the same as for The Don Cook Match. The Match will be conducted using the
rules of ‘F Class as per Chapter 20 of the current NRAA Standard Shooting Rules, together with such other subsidiary
conditions as shall be decided by the NRAA Match Director following consultation with the Squad Captains and shot
over the same ranges as the National Veteran TR Teams Matches on Full bore targets, as per SSRs Chapter 20.
As a general rule the Masters Match and the Ernie Mace Match will be conducted on the afternoon of day one, and
the Don Cook Trophy Match and the Rob Richards-Mousley Match on day two of the National Veteran Teams
Championships. Opportunities for teams practice will be provided during the forenoon preceding the Masters Match.
F-Open and FTR matches shall be shot alongside F-Standard and under identical conditions to the F-Standard
In the event of adverse weather or other unforeseen problems, the conditions of any Teams Match may be varied by
the NRAA Match Director after consulting with a representative from each State at an emergency meeting convened
for the purpose.
Where the number of team entries exceeds the capacity of a range, then the matches may be held by adding an
additional day into the program provided sufficient notice has been given to the NRAA, the hosting organisation and
provided that the overall program including individual matches is able to accommodate the increase.
MASTERS MATCH Top Off-Rifle (TOR) and Top Coach (TC): Medallions will be awarded to the TR shooter and his
or her Wind Judge/Coach having the highest score in the Masters Match.
DOUG SHEPHERD MEMORIAL: Trophy awarded to the TR shooter having the highest aggregate in the Don Cook
Trophy Match and a further trophy for his or her wind judge/coach.
NATIONAL VETERANS’ TR COMBINED DON COOK AGGREAGATE: Perpetual trophy awarded annually to the
State having the highest combined score obtained by all ten shooters (two TR Teams) in the Don Cook Trophy Match.
Possible score 2000.
KOSI - FORD TROPHY: Perpetual trophy awarded to the TR Team having the highest combined score obtained in
the Masters and Don Cook Matches. Possible score 1375.
COMBINED MASTERS/DONCOOK TOR AND TC: Awarded to the individual and coach who obtain the highest TR
Team aggregate score over the Masters Match and the Don Cook Match. Possible score 275.
ERNIE MACE MATCH TROPHY: Awarded to Team of F Class Standard shooters with the highest score in the Ernie
Mace Match.
ROB RICHARDS – MOUSLEY TROPHY: Awarded to the F Class Standard Team with the highest aggregate score
CLIFF JONES MEMORIAL MATCH TROPHY: Awarded to the F Class Standard Team with the highest aggregate
In 2024, inaugural Trophies for F-Open and FTR competitions are available for sponsorship and on approval of the
NRAA, shall be presented matching the conditions of the ERNIE MACE MATCH TROPHY, the ROB RICHARDSMOUSLEY MATCH and the CLIFF JONES MEMORIAL MATCH TROPHY
Medallions will be awarded as follows:
• NRAA Gold (2) for The Masters Match TOR and TC competition.
• NRAA Gold (7) for each member of the winning team (5 shooters, coach and reserve) in the Masters Match.
• NRAA Gold (14) for the National Veterans TR Combined Don Cook Aggregate Competition. 10 shooters, 2
Coaches, 2 Reserves.
• NRAA Gold (7) (including reserve) for The Kosi-Ford competition.
• NRAA Gold (2) will be awarded for the Combined Masters/Don Cook TOR and TC.
• NRAA Gold (7) will be awarded to the highest score in the Don Cook Match.
• NRAA Gold (7) for the Ernie Mace Match as well as the equivalent match in F-Open and FTR.
• NRAA Gold (7) for the Rob Richards-Mousley Match as well as the equivalent match in F-Open and FTR.
• NRAA Gold (7) for the Cliff Jones Memorial Match as well as the equivalent match in F-Open and FTR.
The State or Territory hosting the National Veteran Teams Championships series will engage the services of a suitable
function centre capable of providing a meal of a fully acceptable standard appropriate to the occasion.
The group hosting the function may invite dignitaries to attend at the expense of the NRAA, but the total number of
invited guests shall not exceed four persons.

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